Monday, April 11, 2011

Protest of Gas prices.

I have been receiving a lot of invites to events on Facebook that are all pretty much the same. The only thing that changes is the dates.

"Don't buy gas on April 15th
On April 15th 2011, Let us unite in protest of escalating fuel prices. Let’s stand together for one day and show the world we are tired of being gouged at the pumps. If you agree (which I can't see why you wouldn't) resend this to all your contact list. With it saying, Don't pump gas on April 15th"

Ok, So I get that people want to protest this issue, and they see it as important. But they are not really thinking about it before jumping into protest mode. One day will not go noticed. Especially since people who need gas will just get it on the day before. Seriously, if we want to protest gas prices then make it something like "No Gas May" where all of May we don't drive unless we have to and we use the gas that has been sitting in our tanks. They will notice a longer protest that is at least a month long 

But then, protesting the prices isn't truly a fix of the problem. Sure it could work if we protest properly in bringing down the price of Gas for a short wile before the price is jacked up yet again and we have to start all over. Why don't we attack the real problem and get a permanent fix. One that can make everyone happy in the long run. 

Oil is a non-renewable resource and the Earth is running out. So yeah, it makes sense that the price for gas goes up. Why don't we focus more of our efforts fixing the REAL problem and not just a side effect of the problem.... find a new better source of energy to power our vehicles? Electric is fine for some parts of the world, but not so efficient in other climates lets fix this problem, shall we? If we no longer need Gas then the price of Gas won't be a problem for us. True, it'll take time before we can all upgrade our vehicles to the new energy type, but think of the world without having to pay an arm and a leg just to get from point A to point B and back again. 

For people in the big cities, alternatives are available. Take the subway to get to work or school. Or walk. For people in smaller cities and towns, we have legs and bikes. for those of us living out in the middle of nowhere and fields and mountains where walking and bicycles are a bit too much work and time consuming, then I guess we'll just have to put up with the price of gas for now. But protesting for a day will not help us at all. The oil companies won't even take notice in the slightest. It would simply look like a slow day in sales to them, nothing they haven't seen before.

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